Legislation and cannabis
Does the freedom to smoke, vaporize, or bite into an edible (like every other kid with candy) mean anything?
Is the never-ending push and pull between legislators and the pot market leaving you even more confused?

Are you at a point where you feel you should choose what is best for you? (considering you have done an extensive self-review and determined the pros and cons)
The push to legalize marijuana has pulled a significant following over the years. Its use has elicited different reactions among users and the rest of the non-user population. Each side is fighting for what they think should be done to settle this debate. These efforts have even led to senior lawmakers providing “files” showing brutal murders and even rape allegedly committed by people assumed to be high on Mary Jane.
Starting in the late sixties, decriminalization of marijuana created a movement that advocated for reforms of federal laws on the regulation of marijuana. These reforms led to 11 states (including California, Nevada, and Washington) legalizing marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes in the US. However, this was not total freedom to light one at any desired moment. You were still required to obtain a prescription from a clinician to cop one in the dispensaries.
The run for legalization has been marred by the lack of consensus in approving the 13 billion market product.
Efforts to fully legalize the product have been dragging all over the world. Legislators are unsure of what to pass due to the complexity of the matter. Shall we continue to wait? Shall we keep hiding from the reality that some of our population need this drug to gain fullness in their lives?
Let’s talk more about this.
The Medicinal Benefits of Cannabidiol(CBD)

CBD is one of the hundreds of natural compounds found in the cannabis plant.
Do you think cannabis proves effective as a medicinal substance?
CBD has little to no intoxicating properties. It is used mainly for medicinal purposes. Patients have reported very little if any alteration in consciousness. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), on the other hand, is the chemical that causes the “high” you experience after you hit a joint, vape or ingest an edible.
Overall, evidence suggests that Cannabinoids are safe and are somewhat effective in relieving neuropathic pain.
In a review of 23 controlled and randomized trials, chemotherapy patients on medicinal cannabis experienced a significant decrease in nausea and vomiting than those subjects receiving a placebo. Patients using medicinal marijuana for different symptoms report relief from insomnia, anxiety, and a calming reprieve from excruciating chronic pain.
Pot has gained a reputation as a go-to product for many ailing folks, with the older generation consuming more of it every day. Patients have attested to its efficiency in relieving symptoms brought about by chronic diseases like Cancer, Glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, and Multiples Sclerosis (MS).
Cannabis treatment is also a great muscle relaxant that lessens tremors in Parkinson’s disease.
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) issued a detailed summary of reviews for clinicians that show that oral cannabis extract effectively reduces patient-reported spasticity scores.
All pot users can attest that marijuana can manage weight loss. Continued use combined with healthy dieting has shown significant efficiency in weight management.
Cannabinoids have also demonstrated efficacy in the management of arthritis and fibromyalgia.
The list goes on and on.
Therapy is relatively inexpensive compared to the pharmaceutical agents in the markets today, with patients preferring cannabis-based medicine to conventional antiemetics.
The benefits are ever-increasing. From the medical perspective to the social realm (where many suffer anxiety, mood disorders, and nervousness), cannabis has paved the way for users to release their stress burden and live for a moment.
Should you try it to see if it works? Well, the benefits are there. Choose your way with Blayze. Visit their site and choose what works for you, from flower buds to edibles, vapes, and cartridges. Blayze is your go-to market for all safe and affordable medicinal pot products packed and ready to be tried.
You will love Blayze.