Rolling a blunt is an essential part if you want to enjoy using marijuana without having mishaps. For beginners, they might not be pretty conversant with the way they enjoy their stash. There are several ways you can experience with your weed for you to settle on a system that works for you.
First and foremost, you are going to need your cannabis. You are going to use about one to one and a half grams for one joint. Get good cannabis quality from certified weed vendors, I use to help me deliver weed to my preferred location.

You are then going to need rolling paper. There are different types of rolling paper you can get from smoke shops. Ensure you get good quality rolling paper to avoid it from tearing or completely burning while in use.
I would highly recommend that you pick up a grinder and a tip for the joint also. You can also make your own tip if you don’t find one at the store but a premade tip saves you the hassle of having to create one from scratch.
First and foremost you will grind up your cannabis then you can fix the tip on one end on the rolling paper. Hold onto the tip part of the rolling paper and pour the ground weed on the other part of the paper. Carefully spread out the weed with the largest amount at the furthest end and gradually minimize the amount towards the tip.
Line up the weed and start rolling it over using your thumb to pat it down. You might notice that some crumbles might fall off the paper roll not to worry you can always add it back to the joint. After fully forming your joint in a cone shape, fold the paper over in either clockwise or anticlockwise. After closing up one end of the paper will be left open wet that side and close off the joint completely.
You can always also buy a tobacco cigar, open it up and dispose off the tobacco contents. Add the ground weed to the cigar and close it off and you are good to start smoking.
Then again you can always use new paper cones that only require you to fill up the cones and you are good to start smoking your joint.

As you teach yourself more ways to roll your blunt, you can check out the rose method that will help you incorporate more fragrance into your smoking activities. With this method, you are going to need three organic rose petals which you are going to leave out for a few hours to wilt. Next, you will crush your weed to a consistency that works for you and one top, the next on the bottom; the third one will be placed on top of the two petals evenly to form a “paper” structure.
Place the ground weed at the centre like you would on a rolling paper and roll the rose petals carefully to avoid tearing on them. After securing the rose petals, you can use rose water or acacia gum to seal the roses completely. Leave the rolled rose out in the open for some time until it dries off completely; becomes solid and ready for use.